Wholeness is a concept that refers to a state of being complete, unified, or interconnected. It emphasizes the idea that everything in existence is interconnected and part of a larger whole. It encompasses the understanding that individual parts or elements are interconnected and interdependent, and that they contribute to the overall functioning and harmony of a system or entity.

In various fields, such as psychology, philosophy, and systems thinking, wholeness is explored as a fundamental principle. It suggests that individuals, societies, and ecosystems are not merely a collection of separate parts, but rather complex systems where each element influences and is influenced by the others.

Wholeness acknowledges the intrinsic connections and relationships between different aspects of life, highlighting the importance of considering the whole rather than isolating or reducing things to their individual components. It encourages holistic thinking, recognizing the interplay between mind, body, and spirit, as well as the interconnectedness of individuals with their environment.

The concept of wholeness invites a shift in perspective, encouraging us to view reality as a unified and integrated tapestry, fostering a sense of harmony, balance, and interconnectedness. It promotes an appreciation for the intricate relationships between diverse elements and encourages a holistic approach to understanding and engaging with the world.


"In some sense man

is a microcosm of the universe; therefore what man is, is a clue

to the universe. We

are enfolded in the universe."

Naio™ looks at each person as a microcosm within a macrocosm. The body as a process of being and becoming, of Physis. The Open Order of Dynamic Wholeness orchestrates living experience. The body is perceived as a dynamic moving whole in process, that includes the interconnection of the ecological, ancestral, and cultural milieu as well as the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects of each person. ~ Prue Jeffries, Founder of Naio


The physicist David Bohm's concept of wholeness centers on the idea that the universe is not composed of separate, isolated entities, but rather a coherent whole. He felt the universe all its constituents are fundamentally interconnected, interdependent and indivisible. According to Bohm, wholeness entails a deep sense of unity and integration. It suggests that all phenomena and aspects of existence are intricately linked, and their understanding requires an exploration of their relationships within the larger context. Wholeness goes beyond reductionist approaches that attempt to analyze and understand things in isolation, emphasizing the need to consider the whole system and its underlying processes. According to Bohm, wholeness involves more than just the sum of its parts. It entails a deeper, underlying order that connects and sustains everything. He proposed that reality consists of an implicate order, a hidden level of interconnectedness, from which the explicate order, the manifest world, unfolds.

Bohm's concept of wholeness extends beyond physical entities and encompasses the realm of thought and consciousness as well. He believed that fragmentation in thought contributes to the illusion of separateness and limits our perception of the whole. He saw fragmentation and the inability to perceive wholeness as sources of various problems in society, such as conflicts and environmental issues. Bohm believed that cultivating a sense of wholeness, both individually and collectively, can lead to more harmonious relationships and a more coherent understanding of reality. By cultivating an awareness of this fragmentation and actively engaging in dialogue and inquiry, individuals can move toward a more holistic understanding and experience of wholeness.

Bohm's concept of wholeness emphasizes the interconnected nature of reality, transcending boundaries and divisions. It calls for a holistic perspective that acknowledges the interdependence of all phenomena, both physical and non-physical, and encourages active participation and dialogue to deepen our understanding and experience of the whole.

Benefits of Meditation
Meditation is a practice that involves training the mind to focus and redirect thoughts, leading to a state of mental clarity and emotional calm. The benefits of meditation are wide-ranging and have been supported by scientific research. Here are some of the potential benefits
Benefits of Somatic Practices
Somatic practices encompass a range of approaches and techniques that focus on the embodied experience and the integration of mind, body, and spirit. These practices offer numerous benefits for individuals. Here are some of the potential benefits of engaging in somatic practices:
Subjective lived experience refers to the first-person, personal, and individual perspective through which individuals perceive, interpret, and make sense of the world around them. It encompasses the thoughts, emotions, sensations, and perceptions that an individual experiences and is deeply influenced by their unique history, beliefs, values, and cultural context.

NAIO International is a member of the following organizations

The NAIO Practitioner Training program maintains the high standards of an Approved Training Program of the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA). Graduates of the NAIO Practitioner Training Program meet all requirements to become a Registered Somatic Movement Educator (RSME) and Therapist (RSMT).



NAIO International is a division of Dione Endeavours LLC. 

The NAIO logo and NAIO™ are trademarks owned by Prue Jeffries, used under license by Dione Endeavours LLC.

© 2022-2025 Prue Jeffries. All rights reserved. Licensed exclusively to Dione Endeavours LLC for use in NAIO International.

All NAIO™ training materials, courses, educational content, and methodologies are protected under copyright and may only be used by Dione Endeavours LLC

under the terms of a formal licensing agreement. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or modification is strictly prohibited